Bring the music of Dr. Ben & Company together with an animation studio staffed by young adult artists with autism...and you get...
With generous financial support from the Bialis Family Foundation, Dr. Ben & Company has teamed up with inspiring Exceptional Minds Studio to create a Music Video whose purpose is to support the work of Child Life Specialists. This 4 minute music video celebrates Child Life Specialists and the ability of children to learn techniques like guided imagery and self hypnosis to help them through uncomfortable medical procedures.
Watch the Trailer (below) and sign up for a free download of the completed video when it is available in November. Brand your own copy of the final video -- Hospitals, clinics, healthcare and child life oriented businesses wishing are able to purchase a version with their unique Logo added.
With generous financial support from the Bialis Family Foundation, Dr. Ben & Company has teamed up with inspiring Exceptional Minds Studio to create a Music Video whose purpose is to support the work of Child Life Specialists. This 4 minute music video celebrates Child Life Specialists and the ability of children to learn techniques like guided imagery and self hypnosis to help them through uncomfortable medical procedures.
Watch the Trailer (below) and sign up for a free download of the completed video when it is available in November. Brand your own copy of the final video -- Hospitals, clinics, healthcare and child life oriented businesses wishing are able to purchase a version with their unique Logo added.