Kaleidescope Drawing Pad
Bubble Wrap
Doodle Jump
Shape Shift
Memory Matches
Got a case of the squirmies? Check out these apps and fidget like a BOSS!!Checkers
For even more fun ideas, go here!
What keeps you from getting squirrely? Tell us below!
![]() Got a case of the squirmies? Check out these apps and fidget like a BOSS!! Kaleidescope Drawing Pad Bubble Wrap Doodle Jump Shape Shift Memory Matches Checkers For even more fun ideas, go here! What keeps you from getting squirrely? Tell us below!
![]() How cool are pocket games??? VERY!!! They're easy, they're portable, and they're FUN!! What's not to love? And get this: you can do many of them old-school with paper and pencil, or you can download an app and go to town! You can do these anywhere: a hospital room, a restaurant, a car, an airplane...even in a box with a fox! (Green eggs and ham optional.) Here are some of our favorites (just click on the name of the game if you want to download the app): Tic Tac Toe Hangman Pipes Four-in-a-Row Chinese Checkers What are your favorites? Tell us below! Don't you just LOVE magic?? We sure do!!! Check out these fun and easy tricks you can do on your own! Do you have a favorite trick you like to do? Make a video and post it below...we'd love to see it! |
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