Gratitude: It's Good for You!
The leaves are turning, the days are shortening and summer's finally released its fiery grip on Southern California. It's officially time for the Season of Thanks.
It's always wonderful to remind ourselves of all of the good that surrounds us (and maybe take some time to do some good for others), but did you know that gratitude is actually good for you? It's true!! Check out this study:
Stress busting? Immune boosting?
What's not to love?
I adore this practice. I try to thank the people I come in contact with every day, including my own family. I try to make sure that I make it as specific as possible so that the other person knows it's really coming from my heart. Their reactions never cease to amaze me; it's like getting chocolate ice cream!
Here’s Dr. Ben’s:
1. Watch this video:
The leaves are turning, the days are shortening and summer's finally released its fiery grip on Southern California. It's officially time for the Season of Thanks.
It's always wonderful to remind ourselves of all of the good that surrounds us (and maybe take some time to do some good for others), but did you know that gratitude is actually good for you? It's true!! Check out this study:
Stress busting? Immune boosting?
What's not to love?
I adore this practice. I try to thank the people I come in contact with every day, including my own family. I try to make sure that I make it as specific as possible so that the other person knows it's really coming from my heart. Their reactions never cease to amaze me; it's like getting chocolate ice cream!
Here’s Dr. Ben’s:
1. Watch this video:
2. I wake up and practice a "thank you" run that I learned when working as a pediatrician on the Navajo Reservation in Gallup, NM. The word "Hajonjo" roughly means "there is beauty". So, as I start my morning run to the east and the sunrise, I say to myself, "Thank you to the east and the sunrise, to new beginnings, to the ability to breathe the air and be mobile....Hajonjo.” Then I turn to the north as part of my run and say to myself, "Thank you to the north, to cool weather, to potential and all future possibility...Hajonjo.” At some point during my run, I turn to the west and say, "Thank you to the west, to family, society, language, and being part of something larger than myself, all things that make life more predictable like the waves of the ocean....Hajonjo.” Finally, I turn to the south and say, "Thank you to the south, to the sun traveling across the sky delivering light to the plants that in turn give us energy and oxygen, to all that we have not yet learned, that we may never know, to the unexpected surprises that make life challenging and a mystery....Hajonjo." I end the run with a slow full circle turn to say "There is beauty above me, below me, to the right of me, to the left of me, in all directions and within me....Hajonjo....please help me to walk in beauty....please help us all to walk in beauty."
Isn’t that lovely?
What's yours? Do you have a gratitude song list? Please tell us in the comments below!
And finally, this: we thank YOU, every day, for joining us on this journey. You fill our hearts and keep us motivated to help those struggling with health issues. You're why we're here, and you make every day worth being grateful for.
Big Love,
~Michelle and Dr. Ben
My favorite thank you song!
Isn’t that lovely?
What's yours? Do you have a gratitude song list? Please tell us in the comments below!
And finally, this: we thank YOU, every day, for joining us on this journey. You fill our hearts and keep us motivated to help those struggling with health issues. You're why we're here, and you make every day worth being grateful for.
Big Love,
~Michelle and Dr. Ben
My favorite thank you song!